Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Many Happy returns of the day Yusuf Sahab.........


शहंशाह is 90

कल रात Faiz ने दिल्ली से फोन करके दिलीप साहब की 90वीं सालगिरह की मुबारकबाद दी और मेरी उनसे अकीदत को जानते हुए इस बाबत कुछ लिखने को कहा। इस बातचीत के बाद मैंने सोचना शुरू किया और देर रात तक सोचता रहा और बिलाखिर इस नतीजे पर पहुंच कर सो गया कि इस सूरज की रौशनी को अलफ़ाज़ में पिरोना मेरी अदबी सलाहियत से बहुत परे की बात है ...........इसके अलावा उनकी शख्सियत के तकरीबन हर पहलु पर इतना कुछ लिखा और कहा जा चुका है कि किसी नयी चीज़ की गुंजाईश नज़र नहीं आती ............लेकिन चूँकि मैं फैज़ से वादा कर चुका हूँ इसलिए बहोत टटोलने के बाद कुछ ऐसी बातें याद आयीं जो मैंने उनके बारे में पढ़ी या सुनी हैं और जो शायद बहुत लोगों को मालूम न हों।

युसूफ खान से दिलीप कुमार होने की चंद वुजुहात में से एक अपने वालिद का का खौफ भी था। ये उस दौर की बात है जब फिल्मों में काम करना तो दूर फिल्में देखने तक पर पाबन्दी हुआ करती थी दिलीप साहब एक बहोत ही रिवायती खानदान से ताल्लुक रखते थे....... अपनी पहली फिल्म sign करने के बहुत दिन बाद तक उन्होंने ये बात घरवालों से छुपाई रखी। नैनीताल/पूना में उस दौर की superstar देविका रानी से उनकी इत्तेफाक़न मुलाक़ात हुई और वो युसूफ साहब के अंदाज़ से इतना मुतास्सिर हुईं की उन्होंने फिल्मों में काम करने की पेशकश कर दी। युसूफ साहब अपने अब्बा के खौफ और traditional background के चलते बहोत optimistic नहीं थे लिहाज़ा फ़ौरन हाँ नहीं कर सके। कुछ वक़्त बाद जब वो बॉम्बे गए तो देविका रानी से मुलाक़ात की और उनकी सिफारिश पर ज्वर भाटा 1944 में sign करी........ उन्हें Short list करके 3 नाम सुझाये गए, जहाँगीर, वासुदेव और दिलीप, और युसूफ साहब ने आखरी तजवीज़ को चुना इस तरह फिल्म इंडस्ट्री को ये नायब तोहफा मिला। फिल्म रिलीज़ होने के काफी दिन बाद तक उनके अब्बा को ये खबर नहीं थी की उनका बेटा उनके मुताबिक नौटंकी वाला हो गया है।

Sir David Lean जब Lawrence of Arabia बना रहे थे तब उन्होंने शेर अली के रोल के लिए तकरीबन 2 साल दिलीप साहब का इंतज़ार किया और उनके इनकार के बाद Egyptian actor Omar Sharif को कास्ट किया जिनका बाद में हॉलीवुड की बड़ी हस्तियों में शुमार हुआ।

50's में लगातार बहोत सी Tragic फिल्मों में काम करने के और tragedy king का खिताब पाने के बाद उनकी ज़ाती ज़िंदगी भी मुतास्सिर होने लगी तो psychiatrist के कहने पर उन्होंने Aan , Kohinoor,Azaad जैसी light फिल्म्स कीं और कॉमेडी में भी झंडे गाड़ दिए।

दिलीप साहब के professional perfectionism की काफी मिसाले हैं। फिल्म कोहिनूर के मशहूर गाने "मधुबन में राधिका नाचे रे" की शूटिंग के लिए उन्होंने बाकायेदा सितार बजाना सीखा और उंगलिया ज़ख़्मी कीं। गंगा जमुना की शूटिंग से पहले वो चंबल घाटी में जाकर रहे, वहां के लोगों का रहन सहन और ज़बान सीखी। नया दौर के लिए उन्होंने एक तांगे वाले से दोस्ती की और उसका अंदाज़ सीखा।

दिलीप साहब को Method Actor और Institution जैसे खिताब दिए गए, इस सदी के महानायक अमिताभ बच्चन और बॉलीवुड के बादशाह शाहरुख़ खान ने खुद को इस institution का तालिब करार दिया। उनको institutionबनाने में उनकी अदाकराना सलाहियतों के अलावा अदब, sports और फलसफे पर उनका अबूर भी है। अमूमन देखा गया कि बहुत अच्छे फनकार भी महज़ अच्छे अदाकर बनकर रह गए और पैसा कमाने की होड़ और फ़िल्मी दुनिया की चमक धमक ने उनकी दूसरी सलाहियतों को दबा दिया। दिलीप साहब ने अपनी ज़ाती और पेशेवराना ज़िन्दिगियों में तवाजुन बरक़रार रखा जिसके चलते काफी कम फिल्में कीं। वो बहुत से mushairon और अदबी महफिलों की रौनक बने। कुछ mushairey ऐसे भी देखने में आये जिनमे शायरों से ज्यादा लोग दिलीप कुमार की शीरीं उर्दू और उसकी अदाएगी के अंदाज़ से मखमूर हो गए.......... उनके वजूद का वज़न इस mushaire की विडियो में शायरों और public की दाद से महसूस किया जा सकता है। http://youtu.be/7gfsWMJ2BB0.

काफी अरसे पहले मैंने उनकी एक तक़रीर कैसेट पर सुनी थी जिसमें उन्होंने लता मंगेशकर को Royal Albert Hall में एक प्रोग्राम के दौरान introduce कराया था। इस तक़रीर के ताने बाने पर और इसके अलफ़ाज़ को इधर उधर पिरो कर मैंने बहोत से stage programs conduct किये और वाह वाही लूटी है खुशकिस्मती से मुझे ये तक़रीर नेट पर मिल गयी और इसके ढूँढने में इससे मिलती जुलती एक और शाहकार तक़रीर भी मिल गयी इनके Links पर click करके इन्हें देखा जा सकता है http://youtu.be/O0yfauScLTU and  http://youtu.be/g12quIHAJjI.

अवाम में उनकी मकबूलियत का अंदाज़ा इस बात से लगाया जा सकता है के 80's के शुरू में हमारे आबाई वतन मेरठ में एक मर्तबा सायेरा बानो के pregnant होने की खबर फैल गयी, इस खबर से खुश होकर दिलीप साहब के शैदाइयों ने बिरयानी और ज़र्दा देघों में बनवा कर बाँटना शुरू कर दिया।इसके अलावा उनके यहाँ औलाद होने के लिए बेशुमार लोगों ने मन्नतें मांगीं और दुआएँ करवाईं।

एक मरतबा एक सफ़र के दौरान जिस जहाज़ में दिलीप साहब सफ़र कर रहे थे कुछ ख़राब हो गया और कराची में उतरना पड़ा, जहाज़ की मरम्मत के दौरान लॉबी में दिलीप साहब के होने की खबर फैल गयी और एक हुजूम वहां इकठ्ठा हो गया। लॉबी के देख रेख वालो मुलाज़िमों ने लॉबी का दरवाज़ा खोल दिया और दिलीप साहब से मिलने के चक्कर में वहां अफरा तफरी मच गयी। अगले दिन इंतेजामिया ने इन दो बेचारे मुलाज़िमों को suspend कर दिया।

दुनिया में बहुत से लोग ऐसे हुए जिन्होंने इज्ज़त और शोहरत की बुलंदियों को छुआ, कुछ देर वहां रहे और फिर गायब हो गए। बहुत कम लोग ऐसी हुए जिनकी इज्ज़त और शोहरत ताउम्र बरक़रार रही। इस पैमाने पर माशाल्लाह आज 90 बरस की उम्र में में भी युसूफ खान पूरे उतरते हैं। आवामी जिंदगी से किनाराकशी करने के बावजूद अब भी लोग उनके दीवाने हैं। पिछले साल उनकी 89वीं सालगिरह के जश्न पर पूरी film industry जमा हुई और उनसे अपनी अकीदत ज़ाहिर की (Video link http://youtu.be/A8z-hJLLmFU) और इससे पहले उनकी महाराष्ट्र में ज़ेरे तामीर फिल्म म्यूजियम में रखने के लिए युसूफ साहब और सायेरा बानो के हाथों के निशानात लिए गए। (Video link http://youtu.be/A8z-hJLLmFU).

युसूफ साहब यकीनन वो शहंशाह हैं जिसने बिना तख़्त-ओ-ताज बरसा बरस लोगों के दिलों पर हुकूमत की है और वो Indian sub-continent के तारीख का हिस्सा हैं और मेरी खुदा से दुआ है वो सलामत रहें सेहतमंद रहें आमीन ............आखिर में एक शेर उनकी नज़र और इजाज़त

क्या तजल्ली है के खुर्शीद-ए-फलक चक्कर में है

नूर है मरकज़ पे लेकिन रौशनी मंज़र में है

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Babur and his Masjid.....................

I have recently concluded reading Babur nama a journal written by the emperor himself and this coincides with 20th anniversary of the demolition of a masjid he is said to have constructed. Just as his victory over Ibrahim lodhi changed the course of Indian history , Babur may not have known that history will be redefined nearly 400 years after his rule because of this Masjid.
Babur, as I understood from his book was no saint to be revered and to the best of my understanding no Muslim ever does so. The book is majorly an account of an emperor’s conquests who happened to be a Muslim. He had several contradictions in his personality, on one hand he has written to have immense faith in God while on the other hand he drank wine, consumed opium and maajun (tobacco) and killed recklessly in wars. The most interesting side of his personality was his infatuation for a teenage boy for whom he composed poetry too.  Despite these attributes, Dilip Hiro, the translator of Babur nama maintains that Babur was a man of conscience. His relentless pursuit of power did not lead him to abandon certain core principles. Going by this assumption, I wonder if Babur would have ordered this Masjid to be constructed at a place of utmost spiritual significance to Hindus.
The period between 1989 to 1992 was a defining phase of my life in Aligarh which was already a communally sensitive District. 1989 was  bloodier  than  1992 when the Masjid was actually pulled down. This year, killing of 16 kar sevaks attempting to scale the disputed dome by Mulayam singh administration flamed Hindu sentiments beyond control followed by large scale violence. Hatred between the two communities climbed its apex , inflammatory pamphlets were distributed, hate graffiti were written on walls. even though the city was under curfew and tense, there was no major incident till a  local newspaper printed false news of  77 Hindu patients  massacred at the AMU hospital, this report was followed by Gomti train being stopped on the outskirts of Aligarh and killing of 11 Muslims and a bearded train guard who was a Hindu.
Worst came when it was rumored that one particular night a Hindu mob with infamous PAC force would attack our locality. More than our lives we despaired to protect women, children and the older ones. An escape route was worked out for them which would take them to a larger house behind our colony.  As the night approached, tension mounted and  it appeared as if this was the end. Older ones and women sat in prayers while younger ones took to the roofs and then around 8 PM there was huge noise of shouting and  heavy firing all around. This continued for nearly half an hour without actually knowing what was happening. Nothing really happened, no mob came but years later during Gujarat riots, I could feel what an ex Congress MP, Mr. Ahsan Jafri must have gone through to save his family before losing his life to the mob.
I felt disoriented during these few years, felt immensely sick watching women grinding red chilies to powder for self-defense and my father making a train reservation  with a fake name. He had to travel to attend my brother in law in Allahabad who had suffered a stroke. I decided to travel with him and it was a tense journey all through with calls like "बाबर की सन्तानों भारत छोड़ो" , "मुसलमानों के दो ही स्थान ......पाकिस्तान या क़ब्रिस्तान" written on walls as the train jorneyed.
The feeling of being disowned by one’s motherland is the same as being orphaned. My love for the country can be understood through a simple example, during my growing years as a cricket crazy kid, I begged Allah during  Namaz for India’s victory in test matches. In the 1978 series with Pakistan I wept and didn’t eat a few meals after India lost two successive test matches.
We were a small group of activists led by a fatherly figure who was also a professor at AMU trying to bring the two factions of Babri committee on one platform and to convince them to barter Masjid with a university or a hospital at least. We believed that this disputed Masjid had no religious significance to the Muslims and more importantly, ideologically should not be constructed on a disputed place. We had rationally foreseen that the crescendo at which Hindu sentiments were taken to  would not pacify at anything less than the demolition of this structure. This group however, underperformed and it became literally impossible to educate our own people who were under illusion that the world would turn upside down if Masjid was damaged.  Our  campaign could not succeed beyond a few hundred signatures and the climax was as cruel as we knew.
20 years later, even though the memories still haunt we have moved on, the pioneers of Ayodhya movement, the BJP has lost its credibility on the issue and  I still fantasize that the two communities will sit together and Muslims will  exchange the disputed land with an academic institution much needed by our community. But this is a fantasy of a person very much in love with his country who prays for its victory in cricket matches specially if they are against Pakistan……………..

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Smart Phones............are the really smart ?

Smart phones !! really smart ?

I am quite often mocked at by my close friends and looked upon surprisingly by  work colleagues  for using a primitive model  Nokia cell phone. Living in an era of smartphones it is quite a challenging task to explain reasons for not buying one for myself when affordability is not under question.

Even to friends  who are vocal in their criticism , I have to frequently explain reasons for not changing my television and computer to newer versions. Collectively, I respond by telling that my basic needs are fulfilled by the gadgets I possess and I find it unnecessary to keep abreast with rapidly changing technology specially sometimes when it is more of a  show of status.

So far, the phone I use, serves the purpose of receiving and placing calls and text messages. The television I have, suffices for my moderate viewing of cricket and news and the IBM laptop purchased some 6 years ago connect amply with my people all around the globe.

I may be wrong in justifying use of old TV and computer but I am quite strongly convinced that changing my conventional phone by smart phone will have no added advantages to my needs. Further, I equally believe that these phones are causing enough harm to the people that sooner or later they may have to mandatorily carry a statuary warning just as cigarettes packet do. Subject is debatable and I have my reasons of opposing overt use of smart phones.

Ever since people around me started using smart phones major shift in their behavior is being noticed. After a few instances which caught my attention, I thought of expressing my opinion on the subject broadly. Recently while waiting to board plane back to Kuwait at the Dubai airport I counted around 40 persons in the lounge out which 33 were engaged on their phones, 3 were dozing, three  strolled leisurely watching their kids and to my sheer delight 1 was engaged in reading a book.

While seated in plane before taking off, majority of persons were still engaged on phones and I am sure despite announcement to switch them off many were still on. I have a feeling of despair at instances since striking conversations and making friends during travels was my forte till I found no one to talk to as most of the people prefer phone than to talk with strangers.

My aversion to smartphone addiction multiplies manifold when during serious professional discussions, individuals are distracted by  alerts which to my understanding are no more than Facebook or twitter notifications. I am appalled by watching people instantly turning their attentions towards virtual friends, literally and practically insulting the ones who are physically present there for more important matters.

Beyond anyone’s doubt, cellular phones are a necessity these days but I believe, being connected to the internet through cell phones is dangerous, both, socially and medically. In my opinion people addicted to smart phones have started living in virtual world, detached from reality. This attribute is denting the social network too. Even in family gatherings like marriages or even birthdays people are seen isolating into corners being connected to faraway people some of whom may be even imaginary.

Speaking in term of initial scientific researches,  the Smartphone users have developed “checking habits” which is repetitive checks of e-mail and other applications averaging 34 times in a day which is often done within 10 minutes of each other. This eventually may lead to obsessive compulsion which is categorized as a mental disorder.

Biologically speaking, the 4.3 billion mobile phone users are exposed to electromagnetic radiation in the microwave range, which is believed to be harmful to human health majorly affecting the brain. Some researchers also advocate a theory of human fertility being affected too.

Parents who flaunt their toddlers technical abilities to handle smart phones are gravely mistaken, not even single study shows that any of today's electronic gadgets give children an intellectual edge over their playmates who play with balls and eye spy. Even the "educational" apps that are "designed to boost brain growth will not turn your toddler into a genius, not even close. There is no scientific evidence that any "educational" app, learning system, computer program, or set of DVDs can increase infant intellect. So instead of handing over iPhones to your children try to engage them verbally and in physical games which would develop your children’s emotional skills they’ll need to succeed in life. Remember, there is no and won’t be an alternative to bedtime stories told by moms to their growing children. Believe me, these stories drowsily narrated to us by our mothers leave and everlasting impact on our psyche.

Children addicted to the internet could soon be classed as mentally ill, it has been claimed. According to the Herald Sun, 'internet-use disorder' will be included in the DSM-IV - the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders - from May next year.

Conclusively; the use of phones should be limited to bare necessities to preserve creativity of minds and this should be propagated through every possible front for the benefit of all.
Following is cut and paste from an email I received.
The day that Einstein predicted, seemingly arrived ...
Albert Einstein:  "I fear the day that technology will surpass our human interaction”.
On the way to work
College canteen
                                                                      Social Dinner

Visit to a  Museum
                                                                        Family dinner

An outing !
Cheering Home Team
                                                                          Possibly a Date !
On the move
For some more on the subject, watch the you tube link http://youtu.be/9IOOqF0iwTs

Monday, April 9, 2012

The show went on....................

Uss subah bahot gunoodgi thee aankh khul hi nahee rahee thee, sir mein bhaaripan ki wajah yaad aayi,…. raat neend ki goli li thee………..
Halanki himmat nahee thee magar fone ki ghanti ne bistar se uthne ko majboor kar diya, .....kapre pahantey hue kal k waqyaat yaad aaney lagey aur sir me beinteha bojh mahsoos honey laga……..
Rawish k sath mein Azeem k ghar k liye nikal liya ………….Azeem aur Sabiha qareeb mein hi rehtey hain….dost hain aur un donon se zada hum log unke bachchon se milne unke ghar jaya kartey they ya unhe apne ghar bulaya kartey they...Azeem badey bhai ki tarah mujhey manta hai ………..likhne ka maqsad ye ki in logon se hamari kafi qurbat hai…………….

Azeem building k neechey hi mil gaya kuch aur log bhi they….mashwarey k baad main aur Azeem Shariq k saath Indian Embassy rawana ho gaye ........
Embassy ka raasta bahot lamba nahi hai lekin aaj bahot lamba lag raha tha…..neend ki dawa ka khumaar ab kam honey laga tha aur kal jo kuch hua uski tasweer nashtar ki tarah dimagh mein chubhne lagi… .............

Pichla din........baroz 4th April 2012..........

Dopahar taqreeban 1 bajey they, main agley din k stage show ki compeering k points likh raha tha jab Owais ka bahot hi badhawas sa fone aaya, usne ittela di k Azeem k betey ka severe accident hua hai aur wo log usey lekar Farwaniya hospital gaye hain….main furan hi boss ko ittela dekar daftar se nikal liya..raastey mein sameena ko fone kiya, halke se accident ki baat batayee aur saath chalne k liye tayyar rehne ko kaha..........khayal tha k Sabiha ke sath koi hona chahiye ..........
Sameena k saath Adiba bhi gaari mein baith rahee thee k Azeem k fone aaya aur usne wo declare kar diya jiska andaza ho chala tha...........Yousuf had died…………….
Hospital pahonch k maine Azeem ko liptaya aur wo betahasha roya shayd ab tak wo bilkul nahee roya tha…….…..….main bhi uske saath kuch ro liya……..jab hum kuch halke hue to usne jo bataya wo umr bhar k jiye wajood pe naqsh ho gaya……….

Aj unki beti Mehvish k school ka pehla din tha dono maa baap bahot khush they aur subah unhone beti ko rukhsat kartey hue dono bachchon ki khoob tasweerein utareen……..dopahar mein usi ko receive karne k liye bhi dono Yousuf ko lekar building k neechey aaye…… Jab bus ayee to Sabiha bus ki taraf barh gayee, Yuosuf Azeem k saath kuch qadam peechey tha…… ……….isi beech mein barabar k restaurant ki car mein gharon tak delivery pahunchane wala aadmi baitha aur usne bina peeche dekhe hi bahot raftaar mein car reverse kar di aur Yousuf k oopar charha di…… ………….taqreeban 2 saal ka halka sa jism bri tarah zakhmee ho gaya…….ya shayd fauran hi khatm ho gaya……………halanki Azeem ne bataya k hospital le jatey hue kuch sansey theen…….

Jis jis ko ye khabar mili fauran hi hospital aa gaya…..Ab Yousuf k aagey k safar k liye yahan k qanoon k mutabiq bahot si formalities poori karni theen…shuroo mein Sabiha ka kehna tha uski tadfeen India mein ho lekin mera thora sa hi samjhane par usne ye khayal tark kar diya……..Yahan k hospital aur police se pehli martaba itna qareebi sabqa hua ..yun to aksar-o-beshtar hum log drawing room discussions mein apne sath honey wali zyadatiyon ka rona rona rotey hain lekin ab ye zyadatiyaan hamarey oopar beet rahee theen……hospital mein ek doctor se maine bahot ajizi se mayyat ko le jane ka procedure maloom karna chaha to usne bahot gussey mein jawab diya "I’m too busy to help u”…..

Khair is waqt tak bahot log aa gaye they.......... kaghzi kam Azeem k boss Bashar ne sambhal liya tha...... Sabiha , sameena aur Adiba ko Ikram k saath ghar bhej diya gaya.........ghar jatey hue Sabiha ne azeem ko zada cigarette na peene k liye kaha mujhey iska khayal rakhne k ishara kiya ……… mere andar k tootey hue hausley ne us Larki ko ek zabardast salam kiya jo is aazmaish ki ghadi mein bhi bahot composed thee…. …......

Is waqt dopahar ka koi 3 baja hoga ,mujhey khud ko kal k stage program se alag karna tha jiske liye maine Iqbal bhai ko fone kiya aur saari baat bata kar show “on” rakhne k liye kaha….........mera khayal tha k zaati tragedy ko doosron par kyun haavi kiya jaaye…..is show mein bahot se log involved they jinki mehnat aur paisa laga hua tha…………

Hospital se Azeem k saath zadatar log police station chaley gaye jahan aagey ki karyvahi honi thee ...main uske ghar aa gaya jahan khabar milne par log aaney shuroo ho gaye they...

Ab tak Sabiha khasi qaboo mein thee aur fones attend kar rahi thee…phir shayd uski ammi ka fone aaya aur jis saffak alfaz mein usne kaha "Ji Yousuf mar gara" ....wo jumla pighle seesey ki tarah kanon se meri rooh mein utar gaya …........ye kehne k baad maine uske roney ki awaz suni………….ispar thora itminaan hua kyunki suna hai k aisey halaat mein agar koi na roye to usko zabardasti rulaya jata hai…….warna shock se doosrey nuqsanaat ka khatsha rehta hai………………..

Yahan se police walon ki badsalooqiyon ka lamba silsila shuroo hua…..Taqreeban 3 ghantey ki likha parhat k baad azeem ko thaane se jane ki ijazat mili..... phir raat mein koi 8 bajey 2 police waley mauqey par tehqeeqat karne aaye…..inme se ek ka rawaiyya haiwanon wala tha………aisa lag hi nahee raha tha k wo kisi insaan ki maut ki tafteesh karna aaya ho……….balki aisa maloom hota tha jaisey usko zabardasti kisi mamooli lootmaar ki report banane bheja gaya ho……...usne ek do martaba Azeem ko bahot hiqarat se daanta…….us mazloom baap ko jisne abhi kuch ghantey pehle apna masoom beta khoya tha…. Is police waley ki shakl maine apne zehan mein naqsh kar li…………. hashr k maidan mein zarur isko apne rawaiyye ka hisaab chukana hoga….…..

Is mulk mein apni haisiyat hum sabko pata hai aur rozmarra ki zindigi mein hamein aksar hamari auqaat dikhayee jaati hai ….magar us din ye bahot saaf ho gaya k yahan hamari haisiyat kisi charind ya parind se zada nahee hai…………. jis restaurant ki car ne ye haadsa kiya tha wo badastoor khula raha… ….iske malik ya mulazimo ne ek minute k liye bhi apna dhandha band nahee kiya ……itna hi nahee…....wo hum logon par gurra bhi rahe they…..insan ka insan se ye salooq pehli martaba dekha………..is sab k duaran main soch raha tha k agar yehi kuch hamarey mulk mein hua hota to is hotel aur driver ka kya bana hota…………hamarey mulk mein agar dushman bhi marta hai to uska bhi afsoos zahir kiya jata hai…..

Raat mein 9 bajey Azeem ki bahen aur behnoi Sharjah se aa gaye to kuch rahat mehsoos huee...Sabiha kuch khul k royee..................
Waqt ka andaz nahee hua jab hum ghar aa gaye aur main neend ki dawa lekar so gaya…………….

Embassy k Mahavir Jayanti ki wajah se embassy band thi…….. lekin emergency staff ne mushkil se 30-40 minute mein aur bahot hamdardi k sath Yousuf ki tadfeen k liye no objection certificate de diya...........

ye kaghaz lekar hum wapas police thaney aaye jahan phir kuch likha parhat k baad mazeed ek kaghaz mila jisko lekar hum wahan chaley gaye jahan Yusuf ko hospital se muntaqil kar diya gaya tha...... yahan se jab usko ambulance mein rakh k qabrstan k liye bheja ja raha tha tab bhi main usey dekhne ki himmat nahi kar paya..........Azeem ne bahot azm se is kaam ko bhi anjaam diya aur ambulance hi mein baith k gaya ..........

Taqreeban 3 baj gaya tha.........ambulance k peechey zadatar log qabrstan chaley gaye, main aur Shariq , Azeem ki Bhateeji aur uske shohar ko airport receive karne chale gaye.......in donon ko lekar hum seedhey qabrstan pahunchey jahan ghusl ki tayyari ho rahi thee........
Ghusl dene se pehle Yousuf dekhne ki ijazat di gayee..........main bahar hi thehra raha..........Azeem sabiha k saath kuch aur log andar gaye.......lekin jab halaat beqaboo honey lagey to mujhey Azeem ko sambhalne k liye zabardasti andar bheja gaya...........
Maan Baap se aulaad ki aisi mulaqaaat ka manzar filmon mein aksar dekha tha....magar ye haqeeqi lamhat larger than life they….. .....in se guzarne ki shiddat ko sirf mahsoos kiya ja sakta hai , alfaaz mein kehna ya likhna na-mumkin hai…..wahan mojood har ba-aulaad insaan is haqeeqat se laraz raha tha k ye uske saath bhi ho sakta tha ya khuda na karey ho sakta hai........sab log apni apni mahdood aql se Khuda ki maslehat ko samjhne ki koshish kar rahey they aur insan ki bebasi ki haqeeqat ko samney dekh rahey they……Sabiha ne Yousuf ke barf sa thanda haath pakra hua tha aur Azeem usse is haadse k liye maafi maang raha tha………….kaheen na kaheen wo khud ko iska zimmedaar maan raha tha………….

kuch der baad Yousuf ko supurd-e-khaak kar diya gaya........mera Yaqeen hai k wo jannat k us maqaam par le jaya gaya hoga jahan Khuda ki Mahboob tareen makhlooq hogi…………….aur hamein bataya gaya hai k is qism ki maut shahadat k darje mein likhi jati hai hai aur har shaheed apne maa baap k saath 9 logon ko jannat mein le jane k haqdar hota hai…………….

jab hum wapas Azeem k ghar pahunchey to maghrib ka waqt ho chala tha...........kaafi log wahan they lihaza main aur Sameena ghar aa gaye.........meri shaam abhi baaqi thee......jis stage program ki tayyari pichle ek maheene se zor shor se chal rahi thee mujhey wo conduct karna tha ............der ho chuki thee……. call pe call a rahey they........
Tez garam paani se ghusl karke chai k saath do panadol khakar, achcha sa libaas pahan kar main program ki venue par pahunch gaya..........kaafi log aa chukey they.......screen par hamarey performing artist ki filmon aur TV ads ke manzar chal rahey they.........mahaul khushgawar tha….
Mujhey 9 bajey program shuroo karne ko kaha gaya...............theek 9 bajey main curtain k aagey podium pe aa gaya................tez spot lights mein neend aur thakan se bojhal aankhon ko khula rakhne aur muskurahat k saath apna khitaab shuroo karne mein kamyab hotey hue maine program shuroo kiya.....
“show was on”.............there were applauds here n there……I was faking smiles even though crying aloud from within………

Dil hee to hai na sang-o-KHisht dard se bhar na aaye kyoN ?
royeNge ham hazaar baar, koee hameiN sataaye kyoN ?
[ sang = stone, KHisht = brick ]

Qaid-e-hayaat-o-band-e-GHam asl meiN dono ek haiN
maut se pehle aadmee GHam se nijaat paaye kyoN ?
[ hayaat = life, band-e-Gham = conceled sorrows,
nijaat = release/liberation ]